Chris Parsons Interview- 4-LOM

In a recent chat with Chris Parsons, I managed to ask him about his time portraying several characters in the Original Trilogy. Some of the characters Chris has portrayed consist of 4-LOM, K-3PO, E-3PO, R-3PO and even the body double for C-3PO.

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Who’s Who in the Star Wars Universe? – Lobot

Lobot appeared in Episode V: The Emporer Strikes Back as Lando Calrissian’s executive assistant in Cloud City (Bespin). Since his arrival on screen, fans have always been intrigued by the character and he has even been described as Lando’s own Chewbacca.

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Who’s Who in the Star Wars Universe? – 2-1B

2-1B was a 2-1B surgical droid that was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Along with FX-7, 2-1B was stationed at Echo Base on Hoth. The droid treated Luke Skywalker with bacta after he had been attacked by a Wampa during ‘Empire Strikes Back’. 2-1B also treated Skywalker after his hand was amputated in a duel with Darth Vader on Bespin.

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Jeremy Bulloch Interview – Boba Fett Speaks on his Star Wars Journey.

One of the most popular Star Wars characters in the franchise is bounty hunter Boba Fett. He has one of the best costumes, he’s an unaltered clone and he captured the notorious Han Solo. In addition to this, although we see him fall towards what looked like his doom with regards to the Sarlacc, he lived to tell the tale.

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Tim Rose Interview: Admiral Ackbar, Salacious Crumb & Sy Snootles.

Tim Rose was introduced to the Star Wars universe during Return of the Jedi, where he played the Character Admiral Ackbar who he also played in the Force Awakens and will also be featured in the Last Jedi this December. Rose has also puppeteered the characters of Salacious Crumb and Sy Snootles in Episode VI. Tim has been involved with other Lucasfilm productions during his time as a puppeteer and actor in movies such as the Dark Crystal and Howard the Duck.

I was extremely lucky to catch Tim between shooting different projects and got to ask him a few things about his time in Star Wars.

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